Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I have a problem with Barak Obama, and it has nothing to do with his African father or his Caucasian grandmother. My problem is that since his election to the Senate, Obama has been running for president. He has no senatorial record to attack because he has done little, so, people may begin looking at his record in Illinois, or they will continue to spin their wheels about what his pastor said and what his pastor meant when he said what he said. In the end, the issue of race may trump everything else, you know, the failing economy and the increasingly expensive colonization of Iraq. With his very liberal voting record in Illinois, I, for one, am not convinced that Obama can gain important non-partisan support for issues that will challenge the next administration. I am not moved by Obama's politics of joy. My fear is that Hillary Clinton cannot beat a Republican candidate in the fall and I don't think we can stand four more years with business as usual. Once again, I feel backed into a wall with all the exits blocked. I think we deserve better, but barring a sudden resurrection of Al Gore, I don't know what that could be.