Thursday, November 8, 2007

The gifts that just keep giving

Well, I finally entered the 21st century and installed high speed internet, having ditched both my trusty ancient computer and dial up. Oh, the days when things were easier. I went to get the handy dandy home install, that, of course, did not work, and had to call an installer, for a few. He was quite nice. I have real fast awfully good access to the internet, but no job. And this whole mail thing defeats me. I think things were easier when we traveled to our local monestary and had the monks do our writng for us. Nicer to look at as well. I am set up in a corner, without proper light, my computer on one TV table to my left and the keyboard on another--niether of which are stable. It's also cold. I willl not turn the heat on, so I am huddled in a dark, cold corner, looking for a job. Life cannot get better than this. And I still have trouble logging on to this page.