Wednesday, September 19, 2007

And then there was Iran

If you look at a world map, you will noticed that Iran is circled by Afghanistan, Iraq and the Persian Gulf. So, if, for example, one was interested in restructuring the region to be more amenable to our requirements, wouldn't Iran be the next stop on our Westernize or Die tour? And what better way to stop those Iranian buggers in their sandy tracks than to go looking for Weapons of Mass Destruction. Iran has a right to develop nuclear power, if in fact that is what they are doing. We don't know what the Iranians are doing because the people who are telling us what they are doing are the very same people who insisted that Iraq was hiding Weapons of Mass Destruction and they had the pictures to prove it!

But let's assume for a moment that Iran does build a bomb--which would put them on the same footing as Pakistan, India, Israel and North Korea. Are the Iranians lunatics while the Pakistanis are not? And if you are looking for a Taliban connection, look no further than Pakistan, from whence the Taliban come and where they are even now comfortably ensconced. Would Iran actually consider detonating a nuclear weapon knowing that everyone from Pakistan to France would retaliate with bigger, better, dirtier bombs? China has nuclear weapons AND a larger Army than the US, plus they are evil Communists. How come we aren't more worried about them? Oh, yeah, Muslim fanatics--you know the Wahabbis, the extreme Sunnis based out of and financed by our pals in Saudi Arabia.

Should war come with Iran, it will not be the result of nuclear weapons, real or imagined, or religious fervor, or because Israel continues to exist--if war comes with Iran it will be because US oil interest see some advantage. The United States has interests in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Libya and Afghanistan, we have invaded Iraqi and are in the process of installing a government favorable to US interests. Iran is just another stop on the long road to world domination, or in the words of the first George Bush: The New World Order.

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