Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sex and the City

Although I'm not a die-hard Sex and the City fan, I will go see the movie, but I have always been mystified by the story line. Here you have three with-it ladies living in New York and making enough money to buy every fashion victim style that came down the pike (not to mention all those shoes) and what do they obsess about? Men. Getting men. Keeping men. Marrying men. All that money and all those shoes and all our gals want is a wedding ring. So, the series ends with Sarah Jessica Parker being saved from her own mistake, and another bad boyfriend, by Big, who is wealthy, handsome, and willing to wed. The wedding, I guess from the coming attractions, is the point of the movie. I'm sure there are some booby traps into which Sarah will fall on her way up the aisle, but it seems she gets her man and closet space to die for. I haven't seen the movie yet, but  think I have a better idea than a rice filled ending. How about this: Sarah gets to the church on time but Big is a no show. Or, Big has a fatal heart attack as he runs up the church steps (it has to be him because we need her for the sequel). Or, they both decide at the last minute that marriage is not for them, well, not now anyway. You get my drift. In the real world, few people get the great job, the great guy, and the great closet space. Usually you get one, maybe two, but never all three. Some how I always felt a little cheated by the series, which seems to celebrate the single life, in which women mistake meaningless sex for a relationship, but really what the gals want is their guy with a ring on his finger and a kid in the oven (and great closet space). I suppose the sequel will be devoted to the trials and tribulations of getting their little off-spring into the right school.

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