Thursday, May 22, 2008

$15 a gallon gas

This would be an excellent time to invest in oil because as gas prices increase so do profits, and I've seen estimates that gas will reach $15 a gallon come September. The oil companies insist that they are not price gouging and claim that their profits are so high because they are investing profits elsewhere. The problem, as I see it, is not  the price of gas but the refusal of our government to invest in alternate energy sources. Fossil fuels are finite. We can despoil every single protected wild life area and we will still run out of gas. That's the reality. Gas prices have increased 100% (and maybe more) since we occupied Iraq. We are told that prices are tied to increasing demands from China and India, which, I assume, will continue. Meanwhile, the current administration does nothing to improve supplies, to seek alternatives, or in any way to stop or slow down the predatory practices of oil companies. And good conservation gets us no where, because prices increase whether or not we use fossil fuel in our cars or to heat our homes. I don't see any end in sight unless people rise up and say, "Enough." Food shortages may be the catalyst we need to demand that someone in power place public good before private profit. There's no reason why we can't have affordable electric powered vehicles, if there is a will to do so. Maybe we can start by rationing gas, but we have to do something yesterday because it's already too late to save the economy. It seems that our government is tied to the oil industry and unless we, the people, do something to cut those ties, $15 a gallon will seem like a bargain. 

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