Last summer, Matt was arrested for DUI while driving the family van in Oregon. According to reports, Matt failed the sobriety test in what turns out to be his second citation for the same offense. Apparently, he just came off a 16-month sentence of court supervision, after which the first charges were dropped.
Anyway, Matt appeared in court today and, as one might expect, because he is now a famous personage, the whole thing hit the Web along with his booking photo. It's the booking photo about which I am writing because in it Matt appears relaxed and smiles for the camera. Gives me the feeling he knew it would end up on the Internet (what doesn't) and he wanted to look like the respectable farm dad he portrays on TV. No wild hair, no wild eyes, no disheveled appearance. Today, his lawyer said Matt was tired and that's why he was swerving. Also, Matt walks unsteadily with the aid of two crutches, so I don't think he could walk that straight line under any circumstances. But then he did refuse to take the breathalyzer.
The Roloffs don't strike me as fabulously wealthy. In fact, if not for TLC, I doubt they could have afforded that family vacation (duly recorded for our consumption) in the Bahamas or the newly installed swimming pool. They already have two sons in college (and we know what that cost) and a daughter who will be in college in a few years. They raise pumpkins and corn for sale to the public and have created a farm wonderland for summer tourists. I'm wondering now what will happen if Matt is convicted of DUI. I know that the court proceedings will part of the show (everything else is).
Which gets me back to the whole issue of fame and why we (and I include myself in this) watch ordinary people, like the Roloffs live their lives (regardless of the extraordinary circumstances). Having sold his family to TLC, Matt has a lot more to lose than just his driving privileges. And I think he knows that and that's the reason for his pleasant suburban dad mug shot.
On the other hand, I sure wish my life was so interesting that someone would pay me to star in my own reality series. Lord knows, I need the money, and the fan love wouldn't be unwelcomed.
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